What is Binge Eating Disorder?

Binge-like eating disorders (BED) can be described as an eating disorder that manifests itself in periods of uncontrolled, over-indulgent eating. The episodes of binge eating are generally followed by feelings of guilt, shame or distress. BED is by far the most frequent eating disorder found in the United States, affecting approximately 3.5 percent from women, and just 2% guys.

There isn’t any one factor that causes BED It is believed to be the result of a combination of biological, genetic psychological, as well as social elements. The people who suffer from BED usually have a long past of dieting that may cause feelings of being restricted and deprivation which can trigger eating binge episodes. Additional risk factors associated with BED comprise having a parent with or who suffers from an eating disorder. suffering from the trauma of abuse or trauma, as well as suffering from anxiety, depression or other mental health conditions.

Alsana St Louis If you believe you or someone else you know could be suffering from BED It’s crucial to seek help from a professional. Treatment for BED typically consists of a combination of group therapy, individual therapy, or medication. By receiving treatment, patients with BED can learn to manage their triggers and learn healthier ways of connecting to the food they eat and to their body.

What is the Binge Eating Disorder? How does it impact the lives of people?

The Binge Eating Disorder (BED) is an eating disorder that manifests itself in frequent episodes of eating binge. Binge eating episodes are usually associated with at least three of the following symptoms:

• Eating faster than usual

* Eating until you are uncomfortable full

• Eating large quantities of food when you’re not hungry

* Eating on their own because of being embarrassed about how much one is eating

# Feeling resentful towards yourself, feeling depressed or feeling very guilty afterward

Patients who suffer from BED often struggle with feelings of guilt and self-esteem loss. They might eat a lot which could lead to weight-cycling (yo-yo diets) as well as further stress. Obesity is a common occurrence in people who suffer from BED and comes with additional dangers of developing physical health issues.

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BED is a condition that can cause profound effect on the level of living. It can affect the performance of school or work and cause a loss in personal relationships. Alsana St. Louis People who suffer from BED are likely to miss classes or work because of being embarrassed to confront other people, or simply because they are consumed by thoughts of food or their next binge. They might avoid social events entirely, which can cause social isolation.

What are the reasons behind eating disorders that cause binge eating?

A disorder known as binge eating (BED) is defined as repeated episodes of binge-eating without compensatory behavior, like purging. Binge-eating episodes are often associated with at least three of the following conditions:

Eating more quickly than usual

Eating until you are uncomfortable and full

Consuming large quantities of food even when you’re not physically hungry

Feeling alone eating because of being ashamed of how much food one eats

Feeling depressed and depressed or feeling ashamed of oneself later

The reason for BED is not well identified yet, but it is believed to be due to a mix of environmental and genetic causes. People who suffer from BED will be more likely relatives suffering from other disorders of the psyche, for example, anxiety and depression. They also are much more likely been through traumatizing events as children including neglect or abuse.

What kind of treatment is available for eating disorders that cause binge eating?

There are numerous types of treatment options for eating disorders such as binge and the most effective treatment is dependent on the person. The most common treatment options are:

* Psychotherapy: It is a kind of counseling that can assist people with the disorder of binge eating to better understand their illness and learn healthy ways to cope.

“Cognitive-behavioral Therapy”: This form of therapy aids people suffering from an eating disorder that is binge to recognize and modify negative thoughts patterns and behavior.

*Interpersonal therapy. This form of therapy is focused on helping patients suffering from an eating disorders improve their relationships with their peers.

* Nutrition counseling A registered dietitian is able to assist people suffering from binge eating disorders develop an appropriate relation with food, and to make informed decisions about their diet.

* Medication: There’s a myriad of kinds of medicines that are used for treating binge eating disorders which include antidepressants and medication to treat anxiety, and antipsychotics.


There are a myriad of different kinds of eating disorders. Each having their own distinct set of symptoms and triggers. If you suspect that yourself or someone else you’re aware of could be experiencing the disorder of eating, it’s crucial to seek out professional help whenever you can. If properly treated the majority of people suffering from eating disorders can continue to live happy, healthy lives.

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